Top 5 Books That Are a Treat For Vicarious Minds And Must Haves On Your Bookshelves A proper diet is necessary for a healthy body so that it could function properly and efficiently. Likewise, your mind too needs a healthy dosage of thoughts and there is no better way than regular reading to refine your thinking and ideas. Whenever you are feeling low or getting bored a good book or novel could definitely lighten your mood and cheer you up blog. Books like Harry Potter, Twilight Series, Hunger Games, The Count of Monte Cristo and Fifty Shades of Grey few such books that would soothe your minds and carry you in a fantasy world full of romance, action and adventure.
Every typical teenager would have read the Harry Potter series. Who doesn’t want to have some magic in their lives and harry potter along with his friends Ron and Hermione still continue to enchant us with their magical wands. Authored by J K Rowling every book of this seven part fantasy novel series, captivated the minds of readers belonging to all age groups throughout the globe Continuous Bleaching machine. The novel describes the journey of young harry potter at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and his quest to avenge his parents who were murdered by the dark wizard Lord Voldemort.If the world of vampires and werewolves attract you and if you enjoy being in a world of fantasy then you cannot miss Stephenie Meyer’s four part fantasy romance novel the Twilight Series. Through this novel the author depicts a strange triangular love story between a human Isabella Swan, a vampire Edward Cullen and a ware wolf Jacob Black. It is bound to mesmerize you, leave you in awe of the characters and enthrall you.The Count of Monte Cristo by French author Alexandre Dumas is an adventure novel based on historical events in France and Italy. The novel exposes the pathetic state of bureaucracy and governance through the events occurring in the life of Edmond Dantes, who is wrongly implicated and after a turn of events discovers a fortune and sets out to have his revenge paper bag printing. While reading this novel a multitude of emotions and feelings would engulf you making you feel the jealousy, pain and revenge of Edmond Dantes car led.If you are into erotica then Fifty Shade of Grey is the perfect erotic extravaganza you need. Penned by British author E. L. James, this happens to be the first part of the trilogy revolving around the relationship between a college graduate and a business bigwig. It has a chunk of explicit scenes involving bondage and submission. I would not recommend this to all but this is a bestseller and must read for those into BDSM.The Hunger Games is a science fiction novel by Suzanne Collins. I read this novel after I saw the movie and yet there was not a single moment when I could put down the book till I completed it. The novel is set in the future where an annual event called hunger games is organized in the capital of Panem. The Hunger Games are nothing but a last man standing competition in which one boy and one girl from all the districts of Panem have to participate. You are definitely going to like it if action, love and adventure appeal to you koolred. Order by