When the weather turns a little cooler or you just need to feel a little more enveloped, a flannel shirt can often be all you need to provide that extra level of covering a simple cotton shirt doesn`t offer. These are the occasions when a pullover might be too much, when a cardigan doesn`t work for you and a sleeveless top is just too dressy or fashion-like.

The most common flannel design for shirts is the woodcutter`s tartan, although many styles are pretty far removed from any recognised clan design . These shirts are found in their masses in all kinds of discount clothing stores, but the best are strictly designer and command a healthy price tag. Dip into a branch of any of the teen-orientated clothing brands and you`ll find scores of these flannel variants. They come in many guises to, some with designer buttons or studs, other aimed at girls with added feminine twists such as tie-able hems. You may even find one of the styles that are becoming increasingly sought after in vintage clothing shoes up and down the country Soccer Customized Jersey. These are the completely sleeveless designs and they are so hard to come by that stores are constructing their own - or should that be deconstructing?

Sleeveless flannel shirts are a classic example of "less is more". Take a common and plain item, remove part of it and end up with something more desirable and more valuable. It sounds odd but that`s exactly what is happening here. Of course the end result is a less common piece of fashion that will not suit everyone though. If any item carries with it a strong personality statement, it is the short sleeve shirt and even more so the sleeveless shirt.

They typically tend to find their way on the torsos of well-built males, characters keen to show off the fruits of their labour in the gym stamped ring Arcade parts. As with all styles of fashion some kind of statement is often being made, but the statement here is probably one more appreciated by the wearer than any volume of observers. However the shirt wearer here is unlikely to care much for the opinions of the doubters. Perhaps that is part of the statement too?

The formal look is not a feature that accompanies any sleeveless shirt, unless part of some seriously highbrow designer combo seen only on the catwalks. In fact the opposite is more often the case with the desired look being distinctly casual to the extreme. Looking as if the outdoors poses no threats and your body is ready for anything and anybody, quite nicely summarises the attitude of the sleeveless shirt wearer.

The complete removal of sleeves is something you might witness on stage though. Singers for a teen generation, cabaret acts or performers just looking for something slightly unusual and extravagant might opt for the completely sleeveless look. So when you wear something like a sleeveless shirt yourself, expect to create an aura of showbiz and excitement. Sleeveless designer shirts are beginning to start appearing in vintage clothing stores in all types of versions, and this could be a sensible location to commence your search. The fact that they can be found in a vintage store shows that these self-adjusted models are perfectly durable. You may even chance upon a designer model if you look carefully enough .

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